
NEC Elections – Vote to elect UNISON’s Governing Body

UNISON’s National Executive Council (NEC) elections are now underway – all UNISON members should have received a ballot paper to their home address, including candidate addresses and instructions on how to vote.

We encourage all members to vote without delay – it’s really important to have your say in how the union is run. UNISON is a democratic organisation and these are YOUR representatives on a vitally important governing body. Elections often have a low turnout; please ensure that you do vote in these important elections.

Under election rules, we would also like to let you know who your committee chose to nominate for both the higher education seats as well as the regional and reserved seats on the NEC.

Birmingham University Nominations – Higher Education Seats

Your branch committee chose to nominate Kath Owen and Sandy Nicholl for the Higher Education seats in this election. Both standing for re-election to the NEC, Kath and Sandy have a proven track record in fighting for member interests and against the marketisation of higher education. Re-electing them will help break the pay deadlock and campaigns against outsourcing, casualisation and inequality. We trust them as strong voices for the interests of Higher Education members and branches on the NEC.

Birmingham University Nominations – Regional and reserved seats

Your branch committee chose to nominate the following candidates for the regional and reserved seats in this election:

  • Caroline Johnson (West Midlands Female)
  • Rose Brown (West Midlands Female)
  • Dave Auger (West Midlands Male)
  • April Ashley (Black Members Female)
  • Sonia Stewart (Black Members Female)
  • Hugo Pierre (Black Members Male)

We chose to nominate these candidates because their backgrounds and election addresses marked them out particularly strong candidates, activists who we feel will put member interests first and would act as fierce advocates of the members who have elected them.

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