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UNISON Members reject the University of Birmingham’s first pay offer of 2%

Update regarding the branch members’ meeting on 18/09/2018
At yesterday’s branch meeting the emergency motion on pay (see below) passed with overwhelming support from those attending.
I’ve recorded a video to explain why we recommended rejection of the University’s pay offer and why we feel the time is right for the University to invest in all of its staff.
Please find it here:
We’ll be taking the branch rejection of the University pay offer back to the third and final pay meeting at the start of October and pushing the University to improve their offer.
If they fail to do this we’ll be consulting you on what action to take on pay and on protecting your terms and conditions. In the meantime:
  • If you’ve not already done so, please read through the attached motion and send us any questions or comments
  • If you don’t get union post or it goes to the wrong address – let us know!
  • Keep up to date on our new website – we’ll be posting regular updates about our pay campaign here.

Emergency motion on pay 2018/2019

The University of Birmingham’s initial pay offer for 2018/2019 is 2% or £425, whichever is greater.

UNISON notes that this initial offer represents another real term pay cut for the majority of staff. We are also very disappointed that the University has once again refused to become an Accredited Living Wage employer.

Aside from the pay talks, we strongly condemn the University’s repeated threats to our terms and conditions – for example, their proposals on bank holiday and closed day pay and the deterioration of working conditions following the transfer of Hotel and Conference park staff to a wholly-owned subsidiary company.

This branch resolves:

  • To formally reject the University’s 2% pay offer, should there be no increase in the 3rd and final pay meeting.
  • To coordinate with other campus trade unions on a wider campaign to protect terms and conditions and job security.

We agree to move to a consultative ballot if necessary to meet the joint aims of getting a fair pay deal and stopping threats to our working conditions.

  • Yes – I back the above motion and back rejection of the University’s initial pay offer
  • No – I’m willing to accept the University’s initial pay offer

Submitted by: Mike Moore

Seconded by: Alison Dingle

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