UNISON Officer Roles
Officer roles:
- chair
- branch secretary
- treasurer
- education officer
- black members’ officer
- disabled members’ officer
- LGBTQ members’ officer
- women’s officer
- lifelong learning officer
- equality officer
- publicity officer
- health and safety officer
- communications officer
- UCU liaison officer
- campaigns officer
- recruitment officer
- anti-outsourcing officer
- social activities officer
- membership officer
- environmental officer
- international relations officer
- young members officer
- welfare officer
- Labour Link officer (elected by APF payers)
- pensions officer
- retired members’ officer
Information regarding the responsibilities of each role can be found here: https://www.unison.org.uk/about/our-organisation/activists/branch-roles/
To support a sectional structure, branches may appoint “senior” stewards or “convenors” to lead organisation and bargaining at the level of each bargaining unit. Each branch officer post may be shared between two or more members, subject to the approval of the branch.