Ten reasons to join UNISON !
Print this poster to put up in your office or share with colleagues
1. Join your colleagues in improving your workplace
We negotiate for the pay and conditions for all staff. Join so your voice is heard and to help us shout louder.
2. Get help with a problem at work
We help members who have caring responsibilities, need flexible working, struggle with stress, need advice on disability, stopping harassment and much more.
3. Restructuring support
We negotiate on restructures to protect jobs, pay and terms and conditions, as well as making sure everyone is treated fairly.
4. You earn more in a unionised workplace
In recent years we have won above-inflation pay deals because of the strength of our membership.
5. Deserve a break?
On average unionised workplaces get 25% more annual leave than non-unionised workplaces. Help us to keep it that way!
6. At risk?
We have trained health and safety officers in our branch who have worked tirelessly to help protect members during the pandemic.
7. More and better training
We offer training for all members and activists and we’re negotiating with the University to offer more.
8. Respect
We want to ensure the University enforces policies that protect against discrimination at work.
9. Welfare
UNISON provides a free debt service, discounted holidays and grants for members and their families.
10. Keep public services public
Protecting education, local government and the National Health Service from all forms of privatisation.
The stronger we are the louder our voice.