a photograph taken over the shoulder of a person writing on a picket sign reading "hands off our t's and c's"

Accessible Picketing: What is it, and why is it so important?

Picket lines disrupt, which is a good thing. The disruption caused by staff on picket lines proves both the value of staff who are absent and their unity and strength of feeling in what they are striking about. In UoB Unison’s dispute, picket lines make our campaign for better terms and conditions visible to the…

Circular graphic of a fist in the air labelled "vote yes, vote now"

Reballot for strike action – there’s still time to vote

Our reballot for strike action at the University of Birmingham has been open for a little under three weeks – if you’ve not yet voted there is still time left. Every vote improves our leverage – you really make a difference by voting.  Why does striking again matter? We held 9 days of strike action in 2023….

Edgbaston park hotel

University’s Hotel set to make big real terms pay cut for staff

Despite current sky-high levels of inflation, staff at the University-owned Edgbaston Park Hotel are facing a big real-terms pay cut, unless a drastic improvement in the latest offer occurs. Following a pay freeze in 2020/21, the Hotel is refusing to move from their initial, derisory, offer of 2% and an early implementation of the minimum…

Pay claim 20/21 – come to the meeting on Tuesday to have your say!

Pay claim 20/21 – come to the meeting on Tuesday to have your say!

After a delay to allow more clarity to develop about the impact of coronavirus on University finances, we will shortly be starting our annual pay negotiations with University senior management. The pay claim for this year has been drafted by the committee and will be presented to members on Tuesday the 3rd November for any…

No redundancies at UoB or Sub-cos

UoB UNISON pass motion against redundancies at Uni’s Hotel, and pledge to fight against all redundancies at the University

At a well attended virtual branch meeting last week, members from Birmingham University UNISON passed a motion (reproduced in full below) to express their deep concern about plans to make up to 19 staff redundant at the University-owned Edgbaston Park Hotel. While all hospitality businesses are facing difficult times, the Hotel is owned by a…

Press Release: University “putting city at risk” as Birmingham sees “worrying” rise in hospital admissions
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Press Release: University “putting city at risk” as Birmingham sees “worrying” rise in hospital admissions

Press contact: James Brackley (UCU), jb4243@hotmail.com; Mike Moore (UNISON), mich_moore@hotmail.co.uk;07/09/2020 [STARTS] As the number of cases rise across the country and concerns grow nationally about the potential impact of reopening Universities, unions at the University of Birmingham have expressed serious concerns about plans to reopen the Edgbaston campus. There have been at least three confirmed…


Concerns regarding the return to work strategy

All the scientific advice from both independent and government sources says that keeping schools open will be the absolute priority and other sectors should be really cautious about who they ask to return to in-person work. Because of this, we’re becoming increasingly frustrated with the approach at University of Birmingham to asking staff to come…


Model Email Regarding Returning To On-Campus Work

This is a draft email for members to modify and send to their managers if they feel they are being asked to return without a clear reason behind it. We would encourage all members being asked to return without a good reason to send something along these lines even if you feel relatively relaxed about it –…


Redundancies threatened at the Guild of Students (6th Aug)

UNISON learned in early August of an ongoing restructure taking place at the Guild of Students, that could potentially lead to up to three members of staff losing their jobs. This comes at a time when most staff are still furloughed and the financial impact on the University is still unclear – it simply makes…