Times Higher Education publishes article about our upcoming strike

Times Higher Education publishes article about our upcoming strike

Times Higher Education have just published a new article regarding our upcoming strike action. It will take place on University of Birmingham’s Open Day, Friday 28th of June. Join us! Link to article   Very quick comments in response to the University’s quotes: A Birmingham spokesman said the university was “disappointed” by the strike ballot, highlighting…

UNISON UoB branch offers a donation towards the University of Birmingham’s new Tiverton Gym

UNISON UoB branch offers a donation towards the University of Birmingham’s new Tiverton Gym

Closing down the opposition Not content with making a lot of money from its new Sports Centre on campus (UB Sport, which cost £55million), The University of Birmingham bought Selly Oak’s local swimming pool (Tiverton Pool) in early 2018, and is now in process of turning it into a satellite gym (to be opened in…

Strike action on the University Open Day – Friday 28th June 2019! We demand fair pay, equality, and improved working conditions

Strike action on the University Open Day – Friday 28th June 2019! We demand fair pay, equality, and improved working conditions

Birmingham University support staff vote to strike, as part of dispute over fair pay, equality, and improved working conditions Caterers, cleaners, security guards and other support staff at the University of Birmingham have voted in favour of strike action. The first strike day is likely to be an open day for prospective students on Friday…


New Core and Everyday Life at the University of Birmingham

 ) On 3rd June, the University of Birmingham launched #NewCore (new system that incorporates HR, finance processes etc). Its slogan is ‘a single version of the truth’. How are you finding New Core? Are you doing New Core admin in your own time or on your own phone? Should New Core be a ‘single source…

UNISON members at the University of Birmingham to take strike action for fair pay, equality, and improved working conditions

UNISON members at the University of Birmingham to take strike action for fair pay, equality, and improved working conditions

UNISON members at the University of Birmingham to take strike action for fair pay, equality, and improved working conditions UNISON members at the University of Birmingham vote to take strike action over 2018-19 negotiations on pay, equality and working conditions. 51.3% of support staff members took part in the ballot, with 78.6% voting in favour…

Announcement: Our members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of STRIKE ACTION

Announcement: Our members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of STRIKE ACTION

It is indeed High Noon for David Eastwood! ✊✊✊ UNISON support staff members have backed strike action by a clear and dramatic margin. To summarise it here: Over 78.6% of members participating voted in favour of taking strike action  The turnout of the ballot was 51.3%, meeting the very high threshold imposed by the anti-union…

Our University: Protest and Celebration on the Green Heart – 5th June

Our University: Protest and Celebration on the Green Heart – 5th June

To mark the opening of the Green Heart, staff and students are holding an all day protest event to remind the VC David Eastwood and University management that this is our campus and #OurUniversity. Between 12.30pm – 1.30pm, UNISON and UCU, together with students, will be holding a protest against the lack of democracy at…


Ann Widdecombe holds a University of Birmingham Honorary Doctorate

Ann Widdecombe holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Birmingham.‬ ‪Will the University/ VC David Eastwood revoke her degree, in light of her homophobic comments?‬ You can read more about the outrage she has caused recently when she claimed that “science may produce an answer” to homosexuality. Is the University of Birmingham still willing to…

Demand: Restructure the Pay Spine and allocate a budget for it, with no strings attached

Demand: Restructure the Pay Spine and allocate a budget for it, with no strings attached

UoB will continue to cut our pay and attack our conditions – unless 50% of support staff members vote in the ballot   One of the key demands of our dispute is: Restructure the Pay Spine and allocate a budget for it, with no strings attached   Year on year of below inflation pay increases…