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Student Workers Share Statements on their pay & working conditions at UoB
We have recently received messages from student workers who are happy for us to share their statements on working at the University of Birmingham: ‘I was told by Worklink that I wasn’t going to be paid today and there was absolutely nothing they could do about it (was owed £1,900), I went to Guild Advice…
Branch and Emergency HE motions on the Dubai campus to be discussed and voted on 12th December
Meeting on the 12th of December to vote on two Dubai Campus-related motions (5pm in 417 Muirhead Tower) At the next UNISON committee meeting, we will be voting on two motions regarding the Dubai Campus: a branch motion, and an emergency UNISON Higher Education Conference motion (the Conference will take place in early January). Please…
[Motion passed in Jan 2018] Opposing the University Outsourcing of Conference Park and Hotel to wholly owned company to cut staff pay
The Reason given by the University for this is: to provide ‘an opportunity to vary the terms and conditions or working practices to create a more flexible and cost competitive workforce’ This Branch notes The University is building a new Hotel in addition to the existing conference park and which will increase capacity from 67…
Basic rights at work
Rights at work Below is a basic overview of your rights at work based on the support staff contract of employment. Please view the links on the left for more information about specific issues. Please note all the pages on this website are just an overview of your rights and are not intended as a…
Gender inequality is still a big issue at UoB
At the University of Birmingham (according to UoB’s own report and findings published on the government’s website) on average, women are paid 20% less than men (women earn 80p for every £1 that men earn), and women’s mean bonus pay is 66% lower than men’s. So, 50 years on from the Ford Women’s strike and…
Members have overwhelmingly rejected the University of Birmingham management’s ‘offer’
Yesterday we held three meetings with large numbers of members where we considered an offer from the University of: A 1% one off payment, based on salary at 31st July, with a minimum payment of £100 *IF* we call off the dispute altogether They would pay 2% for the 2019 settlement on the 1st of…