Pay talks/ members’ meeting/ volunteers wanted
We would like to update you on the things that are coming up later in the month.
Pay talks – 11th Oct
Our 3rd meeting with the university on pay will take place on the 11th of October, when we will find out whether their offer has improved. At the last branch members’ meeting, we passed a motion rejecting the initial offer of 2% [more details here]. If management do not improve their offer, we will need to move to a consultative ballot (followed by a formal ballot). |
Members’ meeting in October
We intend to hold a members’ meeting during w/b 15th of October. We have not decided on a date yet, but we will send you the details asap. If you would like to help organise smaller workplace meetings that week, please get in touch (we need volunteers). |
Let us know ASAP if your contact details have changed!
If you have recently moved office, changed jobs, or changed your contact details (home address, mobile phone etc), please fill in this SurveyMonkey form, so we can contact you in case we need to organise an indicative ballot
Help us increase membership
At this crucial time of the year, we would like to ask all of you to prioritise speaking to your colleagues about UNISON, and to invite those who aren’t members to join the branch. The online joining form can be found here: and if you need paper-based copies, contact us at Recruiters receive a £10 voucher for each new member who mentions their name on their membership form, as a thank you for your endorsement and hard work! |
Volunteers wanted – if you can spare a few hours to help out with either leafleting, creating posters, doing walks around the campus, stuffing envelopes for mailshots, putting together flyers, or anything else, please get in touch with us! |