Strike ballot opens on Friday – negotiations and the one off payment
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Strike ballot opens on Friday – negotiations and the one off payment

Strike ballot opens on Friday As agreed by members in our meeting on 11 May, our strike ballot over pay spine reform, and University management’s insistence on linking it to terms and conditions, opens this coming Friday (26 May).  If you are a UNISON support staff member at the University of Birmingham, you should receive…

NEC elections – make sure you use your vote

NEC elections – make sure you use your vote

UNISON’s National Executive Council elections open on Monday 17 April. All UNISON members who joined before the 17 January are eligible to vote and you should expect to receive a voting pack to your registered home address, including details of the candidates and a prepaid return envelope.  We’d encourage all members to vote in this very important set of elections…

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UNISON members reject support staff pay proposals

What is going on with pay reform at the University?  Staff at the University of Birmingham will have seen the news that union members have rejected the University’s latest offer on support staff pay reform. There is a lot of misinformation about why this decision was made and where the responsibility lies if the negotiations…

members voting in a meeting
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No improvements made to pay and conditions offer – UNISON says reject

On 17 February UNISON members passed a motion calling for urgent improvements to the University’s offer on pay spine reform (and changes to conditions). This gave University management until the start of this week to come back to us. Unfortunately they have confirmed that they are not willing to negotiate at this stage.  While this…

Support staff pay proposals
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Support staff pay proposals

University releases proposals on support staff pay (and conditions) The University has released what they describe as their final offer on support staff pay. All trade unions are now moving to consult their members on the proposals. The committee’s view on them is that while generous for some staff, there remain significant issues with the…

Pay spine talks – explainer and update
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Pay spine talks – explainer and update

What is the pay spine and what are the discussions for? The structure of grades and points is how our pay is organised. Our yearly pay talks mostly involve increasing everyone’s pay by a percentage, but the pay spine talks are more nuanced and include negotiating the pay people begin on, how quickly they move…

Edgbaston park hotel

University’s Hotel set to make big real terms pay cut for staff

Despite current sky-high levels of inflation, staff at the University-owned Edgbaston Park Hotel are facing a big real-terms pay cut, unless a drastic improvement in the latest offer occurs. Following a pay freeze in 2020/21, the Hotel is refusing to move from their initial, derisory, offer of 2% and an early implementation of the minimum…