members voting in a meeting
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No improvements made to pay and conditions offer – UNISON says reject

On 17 February UNISON members passed a motion calling for urgent improvements to the University’s offer on pay spine reform (and changes to conditions). This gave University management until the start of this week to come back to us. Unfortunately they have confirmed that they are not willing to negotiate at this stage.  While this…

Support staff pay proposals
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Support staff pay proposals

University releases proposals on support staff pay (and conditions) The University has released what they describe as their final offer on support staff pay. All trade unions are now moving to consult their members on the proposals. The committee’s view on them is that while generous for some staff, there remain significant issues with the…

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Online members meeting – Tuesday 30th June 1pm-2pm

UoB UNISON will be holding an online members meeting this coming Tuesday at 1pm via Zoom. You should have had the invite to the meeting by email and or text. If you are a member and haven’t had it please contact us on and we’ll send it through to you.  The meeting will discuss…

UNISON University of Birmingham branch passes motion calling for a national boycott of Edgbaston Park Hotel
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UNISON University of Birmingham branch passes motion calling for a national boycott of Edgbaston Park Hotel

UNISON University of Birmingham branch passes motion calling for a national boycott of the University’s wholly-owned subsidiary company, the Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre (EPH) until the University ends outsourcing on campus and brings all Hotel staff back in-house. Members voted unanimously in favour of the motion presented below, committing the branch to a…

UNISON Vote Unanimously at the AGM to support IWGB’s campaign of Boycotting University of London’s Senate House
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UNISON Vote Unanimously at the AGM to support IWGB’s campaign of Boycotting University of London’s Senate House

At our AGM on the 13th of February 2019, UNISON University of Birmingham branch members voted unanimously to support IWGB’s campaign of Boycotting Senate House, as a way of putting pressure upon the University management to bring staff back in-house. We will also send a donation shortly. The University of Birmingham UCU branch have also…

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Branch and Emergency HE motions on the Dubai campus to be discussed and voted on 12th December

Meeting on the 12th of December to vote on two Dubai Campus-related motions (5pm in 417 Muirhead Tower) At the next UNISON committee meeting, we will be voting on two motions regarding the Dubai Campus: a branch motion, and an emergency UNISON Higher Education Conference motion (the Conference will take place in early January). Please…

UNISON Members reject the University of Birmingham’s first pay offer of 2%
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UNISON Members reject the University of Birmingham’s first pay offer of 2%

Update regarding the branch members’ meeting on 18/09/2018 At yesterday’s branch meeting the emergency motion on pay (see below) passed with overwhelming support from those attending.   I’ve recorded a video to explain why we recommended rejection of the University’s pay offer and why we feel the time is right for the University to invest in all…


[Motion passed in Jan 2018] Opposing the University Outsourcing of Conference Park and Hotel to wholly owned company to cut staff pay

The Reason given by the University for this is: to provide ‘an opportunity to vary the terms and conditions or working practices to create a more flexible and cost competitive workforce’   This Branch notes The University is building a new Hotel in addition to the existing conference park and which will increase capacity from 67…