Strike ballot announcement & members’ meetings
It now looks certain that we will be moving to a formal strike ballot.
Come to the members meeting on Tuesday 26th March at 12.30pm in 715 Muirhead Tower where we are planning to announce the dates for the ballot and plans for strike days and a wider campaign. If you cannot attend the afternoon meeting, then please try to attend the one in the morning on Tuesday 26th March at 9.15am in 121 Muirhead Tower.
While preparations for the strike are continuing, your UNISON reps recently gave the University a last chance to end the dispute.
We asked for a genuine commitment from them to fixing the broken, unfair pay system, as well as Living Wage accreditation (alongside other guarantees on redundancies, outsourcing and terms and conditions). We wanted to ensure that the lowest paid don’t fall below the poverty line in future years, and that we will not face redundancies or forced changes to terms and conditions while we negotiate on the other issues you voted to challenge as part of the Joint Union report [link].
In a meeting at the end of February, the University was largely dismissive of our demands. For example, they stated that they would only discuss revising the pay spine if other terms and conditions were up for negotiation as well – meaning we might have to trade holidays, sick pay or other essential conditions just to get a fair pay rise.
We gave the University until Friday to come back to us with firm proposals to end the dispute, but we’ve not even received a reply to our letter.