Gender inequality is still a big issue at UoB
At the University of Birmingham (according to UoB’s own report and findings published on the government’s website) on average, women are paid 20% less than men (women earn 80p for every £1 that men earn), and women’s mean bonus pay is 66% lower than men’s.
So, 50 years on from the Ford Women’s strike and the subsequent publication of the Equal Pay Act 1970, we are still confronting gender inequality on campus.
We would like to thank you for your involvement in the event that took place last week – the film screening of Made in Dagenham. Many of you volunteered to put posters up, spread the word around, invited your colleagues to the event, gave out leaflets, talked about the role of UNISON on campus with members and non-members, and discussed how we can tackle the gender pay gap on campus.
We had a great time last week – UNISON members, students, local residents, and members of other trade unions on campus attended the event. The feedback we received at the end was very positive and encouraging (and the pizza was delicious!).
Above is a very short video of Ioana Chis (UNISON) and James Brackley (UCU) speaking about the event and emphasising the benefits of unions working together on campus.
More information regarding the struggles that the Ford Women Machinists went through is available in this short article by the TUC [link].
If you have suggestions for social activities, or if you’d like to help organise other social/educational events (i.e. collective and themed lunches/ breakfast discussions/ film screenings/ anything else that you might think of), please let us know. Some of these events could be, for instance, held at workplace/ department/ school level (to accommodate various working patterns), and others could take place at branch level. Your time and efforts would be very much appreciated by hundreds of members!