Have you received your ballot yet? Vote NOW!
Have you received your ballot paper yet?
Ballot papers have been sent by post to your home address, and are marked with the logo of Electoral Reform Services, the independent organisation that’s running the strike ballot.
All support staff members at the University should have received them by now.
If you’ve not received a ballot paper please let us know immediately – we need to make sure you get your vote on this really important issue. If you’ve moved addresses recently please let us know so we can make sure our system is up to date.
Reply to this email or contact Mike on 07964926949 and we’ll get a duplicate ballot sent out to you.
If you’ve already told us or our regional office that you require a replacement – don’t worry, one will already be on its way.
Have you voted yet?
Is your ballot paper at home waiting for you to vote? Please return it as soon as you can!
Changes to the law in 2016 have made it a lot harder to take strike action, so we need to make sure we hit the 50% turnout the law requires.
You showed us in the Autumn consultative ballot that this issue is something you really care about so we just need to make sure we follow through on this and deliver a result in this legal strike ballot.
Show the University that staff deserve more – post your ballot back today!
Other news
Protest on the ‘Green Heart’ – 5th June, 12.30pm: to mark the end of the strike ballot and to celebrate our gains and successes in the past year, UNISON, UCU, and student groups will be holding a demonstration on the Green Heart. Please come along and ask your colleagues to join us too. The demo will be followed by other fun activities as part of a student-staff Festival on campus. More details can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/
events/2322679771148475/ -
Campaign video: Last week we launched our campaign video, which has attracted more than 4,000 views on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. The video highlights the demands of the campaign, urges members to vote YES for strike action, and reminds everyone of the inequality that we are facing on campus, when the VC earns £444,000/year and is waiting to receive a £80,000 incentive bonus this year. Please share it with your colleagues and friends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Gender pay gap – one of our demands is that the University commits to taking action to end the gender pay gap, in the context in which female members of staff continue to be 20% worse off than male members of staff on average. We have attached here a poster which we encourage everyone to print off and display in your workplace.
We have published our response to Tim Jones’ UoB Brief on the website – please send it to all your colleagues, as the branch committee only has the contact details of members. Link: https://uobunison.org.uk/