UNISON, UCU, UNITE and GMB branches launch joint report on pay and working conditions
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UNISON, UCU, UNITE and GMB branches launch joint report on pay and working conditions

This week, the Trade Unions on campus (UNISON, UCU, UNITE and GMB) have submitted a report to the University management negotiators, ahead of our first joint University – Unions meeting which will take place on Tuesday the 6th of November. The report includes our cover letter, as well as information regarding the pay claim, terms…

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UoB UNISON Women’s Officer proposes a new University policy on domestic violence and stalking – read the full draft

On the UNISON committee we support our members who find themselves in a wide range of difficulties. This sometimes means helping you get support from the University if you go through a time of family crisis. Statistics show that every week women are killed by their partners, but in addition to this many people (mostly,…

Pay and Working Conditions Demands to be submitted to the University Management as part of negotiations

Pay and Working Conditions Demands to be submitted to the University Management as part of negotiations

Update on the pay claim 2018/2019 – demands to be submitted to the university management as part of negotiations After the final pay negotiations meeting, we wrote an update on the university’s offer and its refusal to address most of our pay claim points. The article can be found here. Below is a set of demands…

Letter to the University of Birmingham – trade union concerns relating to the campus in Dubai
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Letter to the University of Birmingham – trade union concerns relating to the campus in Dubai

Following our email sent to the University of Birmingham on the 12th of October (link), we sent a letter to the University to raise trade union concerns with regards to the new campus in Dubai. The letter builds on a motion that UNISON passed at a members’ meeting earlier in the year [which can be…


Concerns raised with the University of Birmingham regarding the Durham University PhD student detained in UAE

Following the devastating news that appeared this week in the media regarding the detention in UAE of a Durham University PhD student since May 2018, UNISON emailed the University of Birmingham on Friday 12th October to raise our concerns, and to find out whether our institution has done anything to facilitate Matthew Hodges’ release. We…


UoB Travel Survey & Wellbeing Week – advice

1. UoB Travel Survey The UoB staff and student travel survey is now live for the month of October. Please take the time to complete the survey to inform the university about your thoughts including Car Parking! Feedback from the last survey undoubtedly has helped influence the recent changes to National Express buses and the introduction…