October Updates
Members Meeting on Thu 24th October – 8:30am Nuffield G13 & 12:30pm Arts LR3
Representatives from the Committee have been engaging in talks with University Senior Management with the support if ACAS. We would look forward to discussing the outcomes of these conversations and other developments with all of our members at the meetings next week. If you’ve got a colleague who is unsure about joining a union and/or joining the strike please encourage them to come along – non-members are very welcome.
Launch of the Boycott Edgbaston Park Hotel Campaign
In support of our campaign to bring the Edgbaston Park Hotel back in house we have launched the Boycott EPH website, we have already had a number of staff, students, societies & externals sign the pledge & received emails from University departments saying that they will not use the hotel until the dispute has come to an end. We are also very pleased to announce that Birmingham UCU have also unanimously passed a motion to boycott the hotel. Just last night it was announced that Senate House (which this branch has already voted to boycott) at UCL have now committed to bringing their staff back in house! This is a great example of how with hard work and passion you can achieve your goals! Please share this campaign with your friends, family and colleagues and encourage any groups you’re part of to join the campaign!
Messages of Solidarity!
One of the clear indicators that we’re on the right track with our campaigns are the continuous messages of support and solidarity that we are receiving from individuals and organisations across the country. In the last few weeks we have received public messages of solidarity from Birmingham Young Labour, Full to the Brum and substantial donations to the strike fund. We have also received an email from an external examiner stating that they will not come onto campus until management address our demands!
7 local MPs have submitted a joint letter to the VC in support of our campaign, encouraging the VC to commit to addressing the gaps in gender pay, pay support staff in line with inflation & take positive steps towards Living Wage Accreditation.
Our strike day on the 3rd October has hit the headlines! This is the second time our current round of action has been featured in Redbrick (first article here) and a fantastic opportunity to share our campaign with everyone at the university and the feedback to date has been really positive. Our campaigns have also been featured in Private Eye, this is a national publication and a really exciting opportunity to share our story.
In addition to the messages of solidarity, Professor Sarah Churchwell, visiting to deliver one of the VC’s Distinguished lectures after being contacted by a member of the committee to highlight the outsourcing that has taken place at the Edgbaston Park Hotel, refused to use the hotel and insisted the venue be changed. This is a brilliant example of how direct action can make a difference.
The messages are being shared on our Facebook and twitter pages, remember to like and share!
A massive thank you to those that came out on Thursday 3rd October!
Once again we would like to thank all of our members and supporters that came out on strike on 3rd October, it was a really positive day of action. We had an extensive selection of speakers at the rally, some of which had never spoken at a rally or been on strike before. As a committee we understand and appreciate that it is a big decision to come out on strike and would like to remind all members that we are here if you would like to talk about any worries or concerns.
You can also see a video about our strike day created by I am Birmingham on Facebook as well as interviews with strikers and footage from our strike days on our YouTube channel.
Please remember to share a link to the strike fund: https://www.gofundme.com/f/uob-unison-strike-fund 100% of donations received goes to supporting staff that cannot afford to miss a days’ pay.
In support of our strike please also check out our new campaign video!
Strike fund still open!
Our strike fund is still open, both for donations and your claims. The claim form is attached – if you need advice on how to claim please let us know. We’d also strongly encourage you to share the below link as much as you can and encourage people you know and any friendly organisations to donate.
Pay problems
As the problems of New Core continue to wreak havoc across campus (see private eye’s October issue) we would like to remind all members that we are here if you have had any issues with your pay. We would strongly encourage everyone to check payslips and check the value of deductions. Some people have been deducted too much for transport and union subs. Do also cross reference your pay with your bank account – the new system is simply not fit for purpose.
We have also been receiving reports of suppliers not being paid or receiving incorrect payments and as a result, black listing the University. Not only is this inconveniencing staff and students & creating additional workloads, but frankly it’s an embarrassment for the university. Has this happened in your department? Have you been told to communicate certain things to suppliers? Has any of this made you feel under pressure or uncomfortable? If so please do get in touch, this matter is of great concern to us as a branch.
We would also like to take this opportunity to reach out to any staff working for Worklink or Payroll, the additional stresses and workload created by New core has been horrendous & we are here to help.