Summary of the strike & other short announcements

Summary of the strike & other short announcements

Short summary of Friday (the day of strike) We had a fantastic day of strike action on Friday. We spoke to hundreds and hundreds of students and parents about our vision for a better University that would embody the spirit of democratic practices of work and learning. We have received overwhelming support from prospective students,…


Statements of solidarity and support

Solidarity message from UNISON’s Higher Education Service Group Exec: On behalf of the higher education service group executive, I am writing to offer our full support and solidarity to members in the Birmingham University UNISON branch who will be taking strike action in support of the 2018/19 pay offer. UNISON in Higher Education, stands with…


Call for Real Birmingham Heroes photos!

Call for Real Birmingham Heroes photos! We find the University of Birmingham’s ‘Birmingham Heroes’ campaign problematic as it promotes a certain kind of elitism and it sends the message that only a few staff are worthy of being called ‘Heroes’. We believe that we are all Birmingham Heroes: all students all staff staff who: *…

Make a donation towards our Strike Fund

Make a donation towards our Strike Fund

We welcome donations from branches and individuals, so we can cover the costs of the publicity materials, and to compensate the members who are taking strike action. Here’s how you can donate: via our gofundme page: via a cheque. Please send it to Union Office, WLG2 Aston Webb, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT via a…


[TODAY] University of Birmingham UNISON Strike Action – press release

UNISON strike action at the University of Birmingham – ‘Real Birmingham Heroes’ support staff are demanding better pay, equality, and improved working conditions Hundreds of caterers, cleaners, security guards and other support staff who are members of UNISON at the University of Birmingham are taking strike action on the University of Birmingham’s Open Day on…


Strike Action Q&A

For information regarding the logistics and agenda for the strike day, please visit this page: Questions about strike action We’re starting to put together the questions you’ve asked us about strike action into a complete FAQ about what striking means and the protection the law gives you. Here’s a few of the questions we’ve been…

Solidarity Statement from Jo Grady, UCU General Secretary Elect

Solidarity Statement from Jo Grady, UCU General Secretary Elect

We’re grateful to Dr Jo Grady, UCU Gen Secretary Elect, for supporting our struggle! Solidarity is key to any transformational & progressive movement – including the Trade Union one! University of Birmingham UNISON Solidarity Statement As General Secretary Elect of UCU, I’m sending my support and solidarity to your branch as you prepare to take…

Response to Tim Jones’ 2nd email to all staff | We still wonder: Where’s Tim?

Response to Tim Jones’ 2nd email to all staff | We still wonder: Where’s Tim?

Not content with sending just one email to all staff with misinformation regarding our strike action (read the email and our response here – 16h May 2019), Tim Jones (University of Birmingham’s Provost) appears to be using the University’s resources and time (note: he earns more than £100,000/year) rather unwisely – that is, to spread…


Staff at the University of Birmingham are doing their best to keep the institution going.. but David Eastwood and the University’s senior management have consistently let us down.

Consequence: We’ll be striking on Fri 28th of June! Do not go to work – join us on the picket lines instead! The full version of the video can be found here:


Information regarding the strike day (for members & non-members)

At the bottom of the page you can find our poster and leaflets for the strike – please read them carefully and if you can, print them and distribute them among your colleagues, or collect hard copies from our Union office ASAP. Strike action Q&A: More information about the context of the strike: Strike action…