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Times Higher Education publishes article about our upcoming strike
Times Higher Education have just published a new article regarding our upcoming strike action. It will take place on University of Birmingham’s Open Day, Friday 28th of June. Join us! Link to article Very quick comments in response to the University’s quotes: A Birmingham spokesman said the university was “disappointed” by the strike ballot, highlighting…
UNISON members have overwhelmingly rejected the University’s pay offer!
We are delighted to announce that the turnout for the indicative ballot is 54.5%, with 87.9% voting ‘YES’. Members have overwhelmingly rejected the University’s offer and the turnout gives us the option of a strike ballot if we don’t get an improved pay offer along with action on job security, casualisation, workload and equality. We would like to…
Pay 2022
Update 10.06.2022 – we’ve received an *updated* offer from the University. This is summarised below and can be also be seen in full in PDF format. While pay negotiations at the University of Birmingham started differently this year, we are now ending up in a very similar position to the Universities who remain in national…
Strike action confirmed: Why we are striking on 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 September
Updated 26 September to take account of this update from Birmingham UCU. At meetings on Thursday 14 September, members overwhelmingly backed the committee’s plan for strike action in the first week of term. This means that we are calling on all support staff to join us in taking strike action on: Thursday 21 and Friday 22 September…
[Motion passed in Jan 2018] Opposing the University Outsourcing of Conference Park and Hotel to wholly owned company to cut staff pay
The Reason given by the University for this is: to provide ‘an opportunity to vary the terms and conditions or working practices to create a more flexible and cost competitive workforce’ This Branch notes The University is building a new Hotel in addition to the existing conference park and which will increase capacity from 67…
UNISON safety reps raise serious concerns
Since our last safety update at the start of term, we’ve been consistently pressuring the University to take the national lockdown seriously, by reducing activity on campus as much as possible, reducing the number of support staff required as a result. While we’ve had some engagement from the University on which buildings remain open, which…