
Further strike action on the University of Birmingham campus – Thu 3rd October (6th day!)

Strike Action – Thu 3rd October


Living Wage Accreditation | End the gender pay gap | Fair pay rise | Restructure the pay spines | Negotiate on the joint unions demands uobunison.org.uk/demands2018

Don’t go to work – join the pickets instead!

We’ll be picketing all University entrances from 4.30am and 7.30am. Rally by the train station at 11am. Free lunch at 12pm!

Let’s make it High Noon for VC David Eastwood

The University is a charity in receipt of public funds and tries to present itself as an exemplary employer and pillar of the community. Despite making millions of pounds of profit every year, staff salaries have declined by up to 20% in real terms since 2009. Many of our members hold 2, 3 jobs to make ends meet, and some have to rely on foodbanks to survive.

The University outsourced staff and set up a subsidiary company (Edgbaston Park Hotel) last year in order to maximise income and bonuses for managers, while cutting pay and terms and conditions for staff. Hotel staff have had a 1p/hour pay rise this year, bringing their pay to a mere £8.21/hour wage, the Hotel’s management are refusing to recognise unions, and sick pay and other entitlements are much worse than those of staff directly employed by the University. Members voted to boycott the Hotel until all outsourced staff are brought in-house.

Student workers have faced delayed, wrong, and overly taxed payments for their work through Worklink, putting them at risk of not being able to pay their rent, food, and other necessities. UoB have also tried to use student workers to break the strike. We stand in solidarity with UBSW!


109 managers earn more than 100k/year. The Vice Chancellor earns £444k+£90k (as Chair of USS) + £80k bonus, lives in a rent-free mansion (owned by the University), has access to a luxury car and is driven by a chauffeur. All we want is a fair deal for staff – over 5,000 employers across the country are living wage accredited and UoB can afford it. They can also address the other demands!

7 Birmingham MPs have sent a letter to the VC: uobunison.org.uk/mps-letter

UNISON member writes letter to the VC, supported by more than 400 members, politicians and others. We delivered it on 1st August. We still haven’t received a response: uobunison.org.uk/challenge

What supporters can do:

Donate to our strike fund: https://gofundme.com/uob-unison-strike-fund

Write emails, letters to the university; lobby your councillors; speak to the press

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